Saturday 31 May 2008

Pied Pedo soon to be trapped in a cell!

Ok so R kelly's trial is in full effect and he looks soon to be "proper fucked" as they say.
Besides the fact that now 5 or 6 people have identified not only Kelly but the girl n the video, including family members as well as people who worked and were part of Kells entourage. It seems the whole thing has now been blown wide open by some defense mistakes and oversights on Kells part, remember if you plead guilty and take responsibility instead of lying, people tend to go easier on you.

Its no surprise the defense are clutching at straws after another couple incidents. First their surprise witness who was supposed to testify against the credibility of the prosecution witness who claims to have had a 2 way with Kells and the alleged 13 year old, refused to give his social security number so that they could actually confirm he was who he claimed he was. So probably not likely to actual take the stand.
Next, the video tape was authenticated by a specialist in court, claiming it would take a near impossible amount of time to actuially be able to edit and make that particular tape. Finally the specialist also pointed to a couple frames where you can clearly see a mole on the back of the man in the video. A mole that defense lawyers had claimed Kelly had but could not bee seen on the actual video.
DAMMMMMN , sounds like the defense fucked up! they giving Kells' game away.
On the upside of things Kells i likely to get a lot of prison luv! ya dig?


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